Ella Sinclair
Bianca Zabenko
Shania Treffers
Lucy Bolton
Charlotte Findlay
Zoe Davis
Ellie Samson
Dakota Connell
Elisha Bardy
Kaylee Rule

Adam Taylor
Ewan Jones
Tiger Newling
Drew Murray
Hrishi Meher
Ethan Bardy
Phoenix Hawkins
Connor Dawson
Jamison Boyd
Ryan Taylor
Owen Dinsdale
Henry Findlay
Ned Mackay
Hamish Gomersall
Lachlan Chyb
Murrell Gill
Murrell Hugh
Benjamin Sinclair
Jai Carkeek
William Gofton
Aaron Dawson
Byron Dicks

Head Coach

Andrew Sinclair

Matt Davis


Assistant Coach 

Clara Davis

The Southern Sports Academy (SSA) program provides high performance coaching and training opportunities to up-skill athletes and assist them in progressing to higher representation within the sport of hockey.

SSA and the Regional Academy network in NSW has had a long standing partnership with Hockey NSW playing a vital role in the Hockey NSW pathway by identifying, monitoring and developing the skills of young hockey players.

• The program will consist of two age groups. U16 and U18. Athletes must fall into one of these categories
• Athletes must reside or attend school in the SSA catchment area
• Athletes must be a current registered member of their local association
• Please note that all athletes, including identified state team-level athletes, must participate in RAS talent
• programs.



Who can nominate for the SSA 2025 hockey program?
• The program will consist of two age groups. U16 and U18. Athletes must fall into one of these categories
• Athletes must reside or attend school in the SSA catchment area
• Athletes must be a current registered member of their local association
• Please note that all athletes, including identified state team-level athletes, must participate in RAS talent
• programs. –
A state team will be selected from the RAS cohort of athletes. Throughout the program, there will be
several talent ID events, at which point a group of 36 athletes (two state teams) will be “elevated” into a
state team program. This elevated state squad will continue training in the RAS pathway program, noting
state team duties and/or clashes will supersede RAS training in the ten weeks prior to nationals.


How are selections made?
• To be considered for selection, athletes must complete the nomination form before the closing date/time and
attend the trial.
• Being part of a previous SSA squad does not guarantee selection.
• A detailed selection criterion is used, which includes physical attributes and capabilities, technical competence,
tactical awareness, potential to improve, competitive ability, individual application, coachability and behaviour,
performance and results at specific events, and coachability and behaviour.
• A list of selected athletes is placed on the SSA website, and trialing athletes are advised by email.
• Offers must be accepted by the due date, or they may be withdrawn and offered to another athlete.

Details to be Confirmed

A program levy will be applicable to successful athletes.  Also an athlete uniform ordered though our online clothing supplier is required for new athletes.

Athlete levies are subsidised by minimum $100 worth or raffle ticket sales by athletes, this program is also eligible for the NSW Government Active Kids $50 voucher rebate.

* Scholarships are not in the form of a monetary sum but enable the athlete to participate in Academy development programs at a greatly reduced rate.

Nominations for the 2024 program are  now open. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Southern Sports Academy’s Hockey Program in 2024, please fill out a form which can be found on our Nominations page –


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