Para Sports Program will focus on removing barriers for para-athletes in regional areas by offering Academy Scholarships to access strength & conditioning support, education, and additional targeted development opportunities.

The program is supported and endorsed by Paralympics Australia and will aim to complement and elevate an athlete’s current training program.

The 2025 Para Sports program will run from October 2024 to June 2025. Athletes will graduate from the program at the 2025 Presentation Night in June.

Nominations for the 2025 Para Sports Program will open soon.

Athletes interested in nominating should read the para-sports background information prior to completing the nomination form.

To be eligible for selection in the 2025 program athletes must:

  • turn 13 to 18 years of age in 2025 – Special consideration may be given to some athletes falling outside of this age limit due to the nature of para-sport. This remains subject to the approval of SSA in consultation with Paralympics Australia.
  • have an eligible physical, vision, and/or intellectual impairment for Para-sport, based on previous national or provisional classification. PA_Para-Sport_WhatImpairments_A4_new_May23
  • be regularly competing at state and national events in one or more of the 28 para-sports and events competed in at the Paralympic Games.
  • be representing at a state or national level within their Para-sport or show appropriate talent potential as determined by the NSO for their sport and Paralympic Australia
  • be representing NSW and aspiring to or already representing Australia in a para-sports competition in their chosen sport
  • must be living or attending a school within the ssa catchment area
  • must complete the ssa nomination form before the closing date/time.

Each athlete nomination for the para-sports program will be assessed on its merits.

The purpose of the Para-sports program is to:

  • Identify and connect pre-categorised Para-athletes (with the potential to progress to Emerging/Developing Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Categorisation within 2 years) to athlete servicing and support provided through the RAS, with the goal of supporting athletes to be National Institute Network (NIN) ready by the time they achieve categorisation.

Selected athletes will receive support tailored specifically to their needs.

coming soon