2018 Staff
Head Coach – Janine Piercy
Assistant Coach – Belinda Dennis
Manager – Jane Wadley

2018 Athletes

Abbey Bourke
Pamela Calder
Karina Dennis
Charli Hall
Paris Hall
Makaylee Little
Todd Maiden
Jayden McDonald
Charli McNaughton
Luke Nixon
Anneka Piercy
Leila Wadley
Phoebe Wadley
Jessica Wendt
Jessica Wild

The program involves attending camps, workshops and training as well as working on an individual training/personal development program over the duration of the Scholarship.

Apart from Softball skill and fitness development, key components of the scholarship include access to the range of consultants of the Academy.  Consultants deliver workshops on issues including, but not restricted to, Leadership, Sport Psychology, Strength and Conditioning, Recovery and Core Strength, Drugs in Sport and Sports Medicine principles.

The Academy will also deliver an Induction and Leadership weekend which is a compulsory event for all athletes of the Academy.

To be eligible for the Academy Softball Program, athletes must be boys and girls turning 14 to 17 in 2018, registered to a NSW Softball Association club, and residing or schooling within the SSA catchment area.

  • Induction and Leadership camp (Borambola- night accommodation + meals)
  • Minimum 12 skills training sessions (Wagga)
  • Clubs NSW Academy Games (Hunter – Travel, 2 nights’ accommodation, in camp meals except 1 dinner and en route meals)
  • Online and face-to-face education relating to athlete personal development
  • Personalised athletic development (S&C) programs and testing developed by Academy PADM David Ferguson
  • Gym membership (dependant on partnerships within your local town). Information to follow.
  • Preferred rate on consultation services provided by Active Physiotherapy
  • Privileged pricing on Puma online store purchases
  • Annual presentation evening – 19 October 2018, (sit down dinner)
  • Compulsory uniform consists of: Training singlet, training shorts or ¾ tights, polo, tracksuit jacket and tracksuit pants

The total program levy payable to the Southern Sports Academy is $550*. This does not include the program uniform which will be ordered directly from our new clothing supplier Puma.

* Scholarships are not in the form of a monetary sum but enable the athlete to participate in Academy development programs at a greatly reduced rate.